Geoff Green BSc Hons Registered Osteopath

Qualified, September 1987 – British School of Osteopathic Medicine (Ex BCNO)

Private Practice – Broad Based osteopathy – 10,000 patient list. Assessing, treating, and advising on a broad range of musculoskeletal problems. Retired 2021

Osteopathic Consultant to companies –Glaxo Wellcome UK Limited 1994-2002.    Tesla Engineering, Edburton Contractors and Landbuild up to 2021. Working in industry to help reduce musculoskeletal problems in the workplace – including workplace assessment, advise on best working practices, providing reports, referrals for further investigations and/or to other healthcare practitioners, undertaking treatment and advising individual employees [patients] on rehabilitation following injury.

Board of Governors – 1998/2004 BCOM – British College of Osteopathic Medicine

Terms of reference – To consider all matters of central policy imperative to the running and development of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine. Maintain action within the overall mission of the College. Consider and ratify reports from the Standing Committee, annual reports, and accounts. To determine the College's Strategic Plans. To ensure that: the College attains its objectives, appropriate Risk Assessment is considered and implemented, appropriate strategic overview of the planning and development of academic programmes, curricula, teaching, learning and research methods is maintained. To appoint principal officers of the College Management Team.

Integrated Back Pain Service – Chanctonbury Primary Care Trust – Horsham Hospital NHS – 2004/2005

Setting up locally an Integrated Back Pain Service (IBPS) with Horsham Hospital and Chanctonbury Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Assessing and treating low back pain patients referred from the NHS. Patients are directed and given an appropriate choice of treatment including; Back Classes, Core Conditioning Classes, Hydrotherapy, Dietetics, Physiotherapy or Osteopathy.

CAREER – commenced 1987

1987/2021 – Private Practice – Steyning, West Sussex

1988/89 – Clinic Tutor BCNO – For third- and fourth-year clinics as advisor and tutor in clinical practice and osteopathic technique.

1988/89 – Assistant lecturer to the College Dean – Teaching fourth-year students osteopathic techniques.

1990/91 – Dolphin House Clinic, Brighton – Osteopathic consultant at a multidisciplinary clinic specialising in the treatment of children.

1990/92 – External Examiner BCNO – Final Year Thesis Marker for 4th-year Osteopathic Course.

1992/2021 – Osteopathic Consultant – Edburton Contractors

1992/2021 – Osteopathic Consultant – Tesla Engineering

1994/2002 – Osteopathic Consultant in Occupational Health – Glaxo Wellcome, Stockley Park, London

1999/2021 – Osteopathic Consultant – Landbuild

1994/97 – Physical Therapy book reviewer for ‘The Therapist’ magazine – reviewing a broad range of international publications on Physical Therapies.

1997/98 – External Examiner – Degree Course Committee, BCNO

1998 – Professional Profile & Portfolio – PPP – Submitted prior to re-registration with the General Osteopathic Council

1998/2004 – Board of Governors – British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM)

1999/2000 – First Class Honours BSc Degree in Osteopathic Medicine – A research degree determining the effectiveness of Osteopathy in Occupational Health. This was one of the most extensive studies ever undertaken in the UK and included a questionnaire targeting a hundred companies’ attitudes to physical therapy in the workplace and a separate questionnaire assessing the outcomes for 500 employees receiving osteopathic treatment.

2002 Research published in peer-reviewed journals – Occupational Health Review, Occupational Health Today, The Osteopath and The Jim Bannister Report – an insurance industry magazine.

2002/2021 – Continuing Professional Development – 30 hours plus per year. Details on request.

2004/2005 Integrated Back Pain Service – A project aimed at taking on NHS-referred patients. Working with a team of physiotherapists, dieticians and osteopaths to get the best and most appropriate treatment for low back pain presenting in the Chanctonbury Trust Area of West Sussex.

2021. Retired @ 80 years old